Library Media
Clarkstown High School North Library Media Center
Library Hours: Monday- Friday 7:10am - 3:45pm
Any students with last year's school laptops must return them to the library asap. New laptops are available for all students who request them through the laptop loaner form.
Alert: Database Password link for students trying to access the databases:
The Collection: The Library collection supports the high school curriculum. It includes print and non-print materials: books, magazines and newspapers, videos, DVDs, audio books, online databases and more.
link to SORA - collection of e-books and audio books from the Rockland School Libraries and Clarkstown Central School District collections
Circulation Policy
Most library materials circulate for two weeks. Reference materials circulate overnight and are due back the next morning. Back issues of magazines circulate for one week. Most materials signed out for two weeks can be renewed. Fines are 5 cents ($0.05) per day.
The Library Media Center has 23 networked computers with an online catalog system (OPAC), multimedia databases, and access to the Internet. Students must have their own User ID and password to use a library computer which are available to students on a first come first serve basis. Computers and printers are for school related and educational purposes only. According to the Clarkstown Central School District Computer Usage Policy, computer games are not allowed. Printing in excess of five (5) single-sided pages must have approval from the library staff.
The Library Media Center has one copier on the main floor. Copies are free. However, the use of the copier is for school-related educational purposes and not meant for mass copying.
Library Rules
Students may come to the library during study hall periods with a pass from their teacher. The library is open to all students during lunch periods for quiet study, homework and computer use. We reserve the right to limit the number of students in the library due to class use, testing and noise considerations. Seating is limited to 4 students per table and on the gallery benches. Sitting on the floor is not permitted. Students may come to the library after school if they are staying after for sports, extra help, tutoring or a club meeting. Students who only need to do homework after school should go to the homework center in Room 508 -in the Annex.
STUDY HALL students must scan the QR code and fill out the Google form to receive a library pass. If you can't connect using the QR code, click on this LINK.
Daily announcements
The winners of the Halloween costume contest are: Bayani Medina - Most Original, Camryn Sylvestre - Funniest, Mr. Lofaro for Best Staff costume and the Special Education Department for Best Group. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who participated!