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Online Databases


The library has access to a variety of web-based research databases. Click on the links listed below to access these resources. Please ask the librarian if you have questions about navigating the databases.

Many of these resources can also be accessed from home using passwords. Please see the librarian for a home access sheet.

ABC-CLIO HISTORY - Six databases provide primary sources, in-depth essays, video and audio clips, maps, graphs, etc. for history  and culture through the ages.  

Tutorial video
  *American History
  *World at War
  *World History: Ancient and Medieval  *World History: Modern 
  *Daily Life Through History
  *Pop Culture Universe

BLOOMS LITERATUREexpert analysis of the writers and works most often studied in high schools and universities.

GALE IN CONTEXT: SCIENCE - Covers all the sciences in reference, multimedia, experiments, teacher support, academic and research journals, and comprehensive applications to curriculum and context.

Tutorial video: Science in Context Tutorial

GALE IN CONTEXT: US HISTORY - provides a complete overview of U.S. history that covers the most-studied events, issues and current information, and includes broad collection of full-text periodicals, reference works, primary documents and scholarly analysis.  Tutorial video

GALE IN CONTEXT: WORLD HISTORY - is a comprehensive online collection that uses an intuitive, Web-like interface to provide multicultural, global and research-based dynamic content that supports today’s history research requirements. Includes biographical entries spanning history and geography.

GALE POWER SEARCH - cross-searches all Gale databases at the same time

GALE eBooks - eBooks in multiple subjects: Arts, Business, Environment, History, Law, Literature, Science plus eBook version of popular Poetry for Students, Short Stories for Students and Novels for Students reference books.  

JSTOR - digital library for scholars, researchers and students including Arts & Sciences collections, Life Sciences, Business and Ecology & Botany 

JSTOR GLOBAL PLANTS -a n online environment that brings together content, tools, and people interested in plant science

CQ RESEARCHER ONLINE - Original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. (Choose CQ Researcher from home page)

PROQUEST NY TIMES HISTORICAL - Provides full-page digital images of the New York Times from  1851-2016.  Tutorial video:

NOVEL (New York Online Virtual Electronic Library)

Tutorial Video:
Opposing Viewpoints in Context - is a multi-media online resource covering today’s hottest social issues

Business & Company Resource Center  - Includes company profiles, brand information, company histories, SEC reports, periodical articles, and links to relevant Web sites. 

Health and Medicine 
Gale's Health Reference Center Academic - Full-text of nursing and allied health journals, plus a variety of personal health information sources

Gale's Academic OneFile - Contains peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources 
Newspapers - Provides access to major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers as well as leading titles from around the world

US History, World History - Offers balanced coverage of events in  US and world history and scholarly work being established in the field.
"Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY connects New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELNY is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The New York Library Initiative is a proposal for permanent state funding for NOVELNY, a pilot project for the Statewide Internet Library."

SALEM PRESS ONLINE - Online versions of the library's collection of Salem Press reference books - use link: (no password necessary)

  • Literature: Critical Surveys, Critical Insights, Literary Context
  • History: Current Topics, Defining Documents, Great Events, Great Lives, Decades
  • Defining Documents in World History
  • Science: Principles of Chemistry, Climatology, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Sociology: Societal Issues and Behavior