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BOCES, CTEC Application & New Visions

APPLICATION PROCEDURES:  Rockland BOCES Career and Technical Education Center (CTEC)
BOCES - CTEC Program
Rockland BOCES Career and Technical Education Center offers students a half-day career-oriented program that will prepare students with career-specific technical knowledge necessary to progress towards gainful employment, career advancement and success in post-secondary programs.
Entry Requirements
Students must have a minimum of 11 credits earned by the end of their sophomore year or 16.5 credits in their junior year.  New Visions applicants have different criteria.  Please see your counselor for more information. 
Enrollment Procedures
  • Complete the BOCES-CTEC Enrollment Agreement (please see your counselor) and return it to your school counselor by March 17th, 2023
  • Applicants will be selected by a lottery system.  
  • Once the allotted spots have been filled, the lottery system will continue for the order of the waitlist.  Students will be notified by their school counselor if/when a spot becomes available.
  • If you hand in an application after the deadline, you will be placed on the wait list.   
  • Spots are limited and not guaranteed.