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Senior Parking Privileges

Student Parking Regulations for CHSN SENIORS 

Please go to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles website to obtain all the necessary information for licensed drivers.  Please note: students with Learner’s Permits will not be issued a parking permit.

  1. Only SENIORS are permitted to register for parking in the student parking lots on North's campus. To register for parking during the 2024-2025 school year, please see Registration Instructions. 
  2. Registration includes submitting a copy of their driver's license, a copy of vehicle registration, completion of the online parking registration form located in the "2025 Senior Class Parking" Google classroom, AND attend a safe driving workshop conducted by the School Resource Officers.  Seniors who successfully complete all of these steps will receive a parking permit to park on campus as long as space permits. 
  3. STUDENT PARKING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS IS A PRIVILEGE, not a right.  All New York State and local traffic and licensing laws must be followed at all times.  In addition, a student subject to disciplinary offenses, such as (but not limited to) fighting or breaking school rules is liable to have his/her parking privilege revoked at the discretion of the school administration.  (SEE PARKING POLICY IN STUDENT HANDBOOK).
  4. All drivers must follow the directions of authorized security personnel with regard to the use of their cars on school grounds. Any speeding or unsafe driving on campus will result in the immediate suspension of one's parking permit.
  5. Any student whose car is parked in areas marked NO PARKING, FIRE LANE, VISITORHANDICAPPED OR STAFF PARKING will be subject to disciplinary consequences, including loss of parking privileges, and may be asked to move the vehicle.  No warning will be issued.
  6. Parking stickers are to be displayed on the passenger side front windshield.  The stickers may not be transferred from one student to another. 
  7. Students are not permitted to go to their cars until the end of their school day.  Cars are not to be used in lieu of school lockers. Students are not permitted to move cars during regular school hours. 
  8. Any changes to vehicle information must be reported to the Annex Office immediately.
  9. Seniors will be assigned to park in either the MAIN or the BALLFIELD Lot for the Fall 2024 semester.  Failure to park in your assigned lot with the school issued sticker on your front windshield will lead to a loss of parking privileges on the NHS campus.  
  10. Employment, class schedule, and availability of alternative transportation will not be considered in the assignment of parking permits.

11. Parking registration is ongoing throughout the year until all stickers are distributed and the lots are full.  Parking stickers are distributed from the Annex Office. Refer to the Senior Parking Google Classroom for details.

12. Due to limited parking spots, Juniors are NOT permitted to park on campus, including the Ballfield Lot.  Any juniors parking anywhere on campus will be subject to school discipline.  Parking availability is reviewed monthly to determine if space is available for Juniors.